Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Health Care Saga Over...

In a dramatic end to the health care saga, I called AHCCCS in the morning to find out why we weren't allowed to see the doctor when we were supposed to. I guess they hadn't signed us up for a health plan yet. Nevermind they ask on the application form if you have a health plan that you'd like to go with...

They told me that it would take up to 72 hours for the information to filter to the health plan's computers, but I could take my daughter to the doctor anyway and they'd have to call to verify the insurance. Urgent care said that dd would have to be in the computer, but it was the fastest 72 hours I have ever heard of, because she was already in the system, less than 2 hours after I had gotten off the phone with the health insurance people.

At the pharmacy, it was another story. Evidently the pharmacy side of the insurance and the doctor side don't talk with each other. Fortunately, one person at Walgreen's was knowledgeable enough and knew how to get it fixed, but it required a 45 minute wait. I'm okay with waiting as long as it works out eventually. I had a coloring book for dd with me so she was okay too.

So now she's on cefdinir once a day and is taking tobramycin ear drops 3 times a day. Hopefully her hearing will return to normal shortly.

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